Monday, April 19, 2010

Chill's Newsletter

Here's a great new way to keep up with the latest massage and spa news and get great savings on Chill Massage sessions and gift certificates. It's easy just sign up for our new Newsletter. Don't worry it only comes out a few times a year so you won't be bogged down with e-mail. Plus when you sign up you instantly receive a free gift from us. Then, if you supply us with your Birthday guess what - you got it - more savings. Have a wedding anniversary - give us that - and voila we'll help you celebrate with more great savings from Chill. Don't have an anniversary we'll help you celebrate your anniversary with us, just enter the date of your first visit to chill (even if it hasn't happened yet), and bam we'll celebrate together by sending another great gift when that date roles around again; that's how much we love you!

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