Sunday, June 15, 2008

First Donations Come in For Jan's

It's 10:25 am on Sunday We sold one "Crash Chill" Gift Certificate yesterday, Thanks Renee M.! and we just had a run by donation drop from one of Jan's long time clients and coincidentally Chill's first client thanks Bill D. for taking time out of your Father's Day to help out!

It's a beatiful day here in West Seattle, we hope you'll share part of it with us!

Thanks for the Support!
~the Chill Team

PS Our Neighbor Greg just stopped by to throw some money in the bowl - Thanks Greg!

PPS and a big thanks to Vince, Megan, Rosey, Jane and Keri who also came in for massage today.

1 comment:

NicG., LMP, Owner said...

Thanks Vince S. for getting a free massage and donating $40 - You are awesome!!