Sunday, December 30, 2007

Happy New Years Eve

The end of 2007 already! As we head into 2008, we pause to mark the 6 month anniversary of chill massage therapy in west seattle. It's been a fantastic 6 months. Sure some things got off to a bumpy start, (like this website!), but that just keeps things interesting.

2008 promises to be interesting as well. We've gained one new Massage Therapist with another one on the way and have been able to, in the process, shave about 25% off our prices! What's that you ask? Yes De-flation! And its not just for election year. We've dropped our prices and if things go well (cross your fingers for benevolent landlords and the like), they will stay dropped.

By february our staff will include a qualified pregnancy massage therapist. So all you Mom's to be that have been calling - call back! :)!

I just received five more photographs from featured artist Linda Li, so stop by and see the growing collection. One particularly great picture ( a one-legged monk ), lost its glass in the trip, (from China), I'll have to see about repairs, or slash the price, I'll talk to the artist.

Speaking of artists - if you are one or know one - please contact me if you would like to hang in our studio.

You may recall we opened chill with art by Patty Taagen. I'm now the proud owner of a piece of her work. If I can figure out where to put it, I'll hang it at chill. You won't be able to miss it - It's huge, but then so is my Armstrong.

Alright, good bye for now. Enjoy your New Year's eve - chill with style - and I'll see you in the New Year.



WS said...

welcome to blogland - after you've been up and running with this site for a few weeks it'll be eligible to be added to our blogroll page so let us know if you're interested!

Anonymous said...

I've been looking for a plae by my home in West Seattle to get massage therapy, so glad I found this!